22 April 2010

Slides from the London Flash Developers and Designers Meetup Talk

Hello there,

The slides are available online now.
A bit compressed on slideshare:

Or the orginal in PDF format.

Quick warning: "Forgive me for my English is not so premium!"
There might be spelling errors here and there. If you find that
annoying, let me know and I'll fix the errors. I didn't plan time
for any proof reading, my bad.

Here are the links for some of the animation helpers presented
at the start of the session:

Stage Recorder by Slavomir Durej

Motion Sketch by Justin Putney/ajarproductions

LazyBoy Panel - manually declares stage instances based on a naming convention.

More handy tools in the presentation.

David will gather the files written at the presentation. Updates related to this talk will be posted here.

Oh, if want to get started with MooTools or see what the Adobe Open Source Media Framework is about, there is a talk next week at the London Flash Platform User Group.


20 April 2010

Speaking at London Flash Developers and Designers Meetup Group

I will be giving a talk on the 22nd of April at The London Flash Developers and Designers Meetup Group.

The talk will be about JSFL(Javascript Flash) and hopefully will help attendees getting started with automating aspects of the Flash IDE. Although there is some scripting involved, there are quite a few things in for designers/animators that use Flash as well. We will be looking at how to create some basic commands then move on to traversing the timeline and accessing the data of various elements.

Tired of doing the same tasks again and again in Flash ? Come a long and see how you can make it all easier.

The Flash Meetup takes place at London South Bank University in the Keyworth Building,
this Thursday at 7 PM. More details on the Meetup page.

16 April 2010

South Park style lip synch with actionscript 3.0

At disturb media we wrote a detailed tutorial on how to use the Sound and SoundMixer class in actionscript for something else, not just fancy sound visualizers.

The tutorial made it in issue 169 of WebDesigner Magazine
It's a 4 page feauture, lot's of details covered, do check it out!

Click on the image to see a demo.

The "heaps aweseome patrol captain" Chris designed the character and setup the assets,
and Alex performed and produced the sound. Big thanks !

14 April 2010


A great exhibition ended this Sunday, the Decode Gallery at the Victoria & Albert Museum.
I've seen a lot of great projects out from the likes of John Maeda, Casey Reas, Marius Watz, Golan Levin, Jonathan Harris, Joshua Davis, Robert Hodgin, Chris O'Shea, et al. It was the first time I've seen so much technology in a museum, at this scale.
More interesting than the technology itself was the chance to see the reactions of the other visitors.

An interesting catch is that the source code for the Decode Identity by Karsten Schmidt is released on GoogleCode, so people could submit recoded versions. I am way behind with my main project, but I spent a bit of Sunday tinkering with the code. I did run intro trouble when I had to put the images together as a video. I've used After Effects for the first time just to import a sequence of images and lay a sound track, but it took quite some time to get used to the basics for some reason. The sound is a fragment from a song by Valentin Leonat performed back in 2007. I've used the Minim library, FFT mostly to use the sound as a trigger for changes in the video. The drums control the mesh colour a bit (the intensity of the blue-ish tint), but the guitar controls
the background colour and the camera position on higher peaks and the distortion of the mesh throughout the length of the video.

The video doesn't feel the same way, as recording a sequence of images from Processing seems to take a lot of resources,
but I encourage you to download my version of the source code and have a look for yourselves.

Anyway, here is my late and tiny contribution:

Decode Tremolo from George Profenza on Vimeo.

Ok, back to some work now.

Oh, one last thing, the Decode Gallery ended, but there are still a few days to check out some digital goodness
on Digital Pioneers.

Take care,