28 March 2008

I've got a new toy: Arduino

I spent most of yesterday in London, visiting the National Gallery, the Tate Modern and just walking on foot a lot. In the evening I attended the London Flash Platform User Group Talks. This month it was all about Arduino.

"What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. "

I've seen a demo by Alias Cummins using Flash to display information recieved from an Oyster Card. It was good enough for me to it working. Now I've got to make some time and read a lot technical documents on how to use it.

Except the official website :
Alias also recomended this site:

Tink encouraged me to do something with this tool and show it back to the group. I already have an idea in mind. To a certain extent it relates to Tim Long's idea

And here's my new toy:

Pretty geeky isn't it ?
This will upgrade my status from the best programmer in the Fine Arts department :P

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