10 June 2010
Mother Mind
About a month ago I had the pleasure to meet Helene Nymann on the steps of Goldsmiths University Library. Long story short, I did a bit of research into sound, film, film sound and soundtracks, but didn't have the chance to work with great material, and Helene had great video material and no sound.
We tried a few simple techniques using Max/MSP/Jitter to analyze the video and alter pre-recorded sound. Helene also wanted to bring something new into this and tries to blend film, performance and gallery space into one. If you're interested in experimental video, live performance, and a bit of live signal processing, you're more than welcome to view Helene's project: Mothermind.
The performance will take place on the 17th of June, from 6PM to 9PM in Goldsmiths Richard Hoggart building(entrance 26 on the map bellow), in room 328.
Details to follow...